Bringing light to world hunger

Chelsea Saad
By Chelsea Saad September 20, 2024 11:59

In the world we live in today, a million things could lead to economic distress, whether it be poverty, conflict, or natural disasters. While all these causes are valid, there is one that has a ripple effect.  These are the components that contribute to world hunger. 

World hunger is not a new issue but a continued one.  

Throughout the years, World hunger has been a problem that is happening everywhere but isn’t always discussed about. Most people know what world hunger is; However, not everyone understands it. One of the main causes is not getting enough food. Food is provided to everyone worldwide, but it’s not always shared equally.  

Most areas have more than enough food, while other areas are struggling to preserve what they already have. 

Those who live in poverty often can’t get access to safe, drinkable water. Without access to safe water, crops can’t grow properly, and people can’t survive and stay healthy. Poverty has been associated with poor health, low levels of education or skills, and high rates of destructive behavior.  

For example, children who have not been seen by a doctor, have not attended school, and are seen begging for food, are left alone, sleeping on the side of the road. Poverty, just like world hunger, is worldwide and lives in every country, every city, every state, and every town.  

Many people wonder where world hunger takes place the most. Even if it is worldwide, it affects some places more than others. One of those places is Africa, like Somalia and South Sudan, and some parts of Asia, like Afghanistan and Yemen.  

Those people who live in Africa, and Asia might not have enough money to purchase the food that they need. This can be the cause of poverty, violence, or weather problems like hurricanes that make it difficult for them to get what they need. World hunger is everywhere, but it’s usually worse in places where people can’t easily afford food. World hunger has been an issue for a while, but it worsened around 2014.  

This happened because there was more violence, Natural disasters also took part in the changes that happened which made it difficult to grow food. So, World hunger only got bigger as everything started going wrong all at once. 

Most areas are more impacted by World Hunger because of elements like climate change, Poverty, Natural disasters, and a lack of resources, which in turn delays food access. World hunger is something in which is increased by Natural disasters.  

Lower classes are more affected by natural hazards because they often have to settle in risky areas. People’s access to food is restricted, or food distribution is impacted by poverty, conflict, and natural disasters, all of which make it more difficult for people to eat enough food. These elements all lead to world hunger. 

Chelsea Saad
By Chelsea Saad September 20, 2024 11:59

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