Painting nights in the time of the economic collapse

Rawad Kansoun
By Rawad Kansoun December 1, 2022 15:12


Asaph Maurer Portrait in Ugly Art Studio in Windsor ON

Asaph Maurer Portrait in Ugly Art Studio in Windsor. Photo by Rawad Kansoun

The economic crisis hit all sectors, including the arts.

According to, commodity prices have increased by 6.9% – and that is making it more expensive to buy materials. According to Art Coordinator Jill Thompson, there is almost always art to coordinate but not as much during the times of crisis.

” Like I thought like lots of work. lots of areas not employed,” Thompson said. ” I still had a couple of different events. low key, but at the same time, like it was not a relationship was like the pivot when things catch on there is nothing there is no art stuff. No, you got to make it for yourself.”

Artists in Windsor Essex County united to break down the stagnation caused by inflation by organizing what is called Art Pays nights across the city.

” Tonight, we are doing an art like a paint night like an instructional night, which is hosted by one of our local artists and professional artists in Windsor named Athena,” said full-time artist Assaph Maurer. “Really this is several artists, organizations, local organizations that have come together to create something that was not there before.”

No matter how suffocating the crisis is, the artists believe there are always spaces for creating innovative ideas that bring life back to the city.

Rawad Kansoun
By Rawad Kansoun December 1, 2022 15:12

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