The effects of cannabis on the brain before the age of 25

Amo Dhillon
By Amo Dhillon April 5, 2019 12:21

To some the drug is seen as a medicine used to help with pains and aches they may have. However, there are many health risks associated with cannabis use.

Eric Nadalin, manager at Windsor-Essex County Health Unit says the drug has both mental and physical effects on the brain.

“There are negative physical effects such as risk of cardiovascular disease and other respiratory issues,” said Nadalin. Cannabis consumption has acute psychoactive effects that can lead to confusion, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, fear, psychotic episodes, and poor coordination/reaction time. Young people are at an increased risk for permanent effects on the brain such as long-term issues with memory, thinking, learning and problems with relationships at home, school and work.”

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Simran Singh, a student in Windsor and a cannabis user, thinks the product can be great for natural medicine and beneficial to people, but should be used in moderation.

“I think cannabis can be a great natural medicine and beneficial to people and to society as a whole,” said Singh. “Many people abuse it and overuse it for recreational purposes. This prevents them from becoming vital, active members of social groups.”

The WCHU say that younger people using the drug can cause harm to their memory and concentration, lower intelligence, and affect their ability to think clearly.

Kirsty Lowell, a student in Windsor and a cannabis user, thinks it’s an alternative solution to other medicine and can be great for people’s well being if used wisely.

“I think if we educate young people they will grow up with it and therefore, it will no longer be something people do on the side but together,” said Lowell.

The consumption of cannabis should not be considered until the age of 25, as the brain is still developing at this age, according to the Windsor Health Unit. Throughout the month of April, the organization has launched a campaign to inform students and young adults on the health effects of cannabis. Check out their website for more information in general at

Amo Dhillon
By Amo Dhillon April 5, 2019 12:21

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