Windsor’s cycling community looking for improvements

Tony Tavolieri
By Tony Tavolieri October 11, 2024 12:53

 Windsor’s cycling community thinks the condition of bike lanes on local roads needs improvement.  

Gail Robertson, cyclist and owner of the consulting business GailNow, said unfinished bike lanes are part of the problem. 

“They started a lane up part of Dominion, but not up to Totten,” said Robertson. “There’s a nice bike lane on Totten, then it stops when you come south down Dominion.”  

East Side Riders Cycling Club organizer and owner of GruppoNutrition, Darcy Haggith, said bike lanes need to be integrated into traffic systems seamlessly. Haggith said he sees this concept in action when he goes to visit his son in Victoria, BC. 

“I’ve seen such a change in Victoria over the past 10 years, it’s incredible,” said Haggith. “Every time I go, there’s a new dedicated bike lane. It’s a lot easier to travel as a cyclist in Victoria than in Windsor because they started the (improvement) process earlier than we have.” 

Haggith said these changes are possible, however Windsorites shouldn’t expect to see them overnight.  

“You can’t change this in a day,” said Haggith. “We have to have a vision of what we want in 20 years and make steps towards achieving it.” 

To learn more about East Side Riding Club, visit their Facebook page at 

Tony Tavolieri
By Tony Tavolieri October 11, 2024 12:53
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