World wildlife population down more than fifty per cent

Alyssa Leonard
By Alyssa Leonard October 30, 2018 11:49
Cover of the Living Plant Report 2018 released by the World Wildlife Foundation on Monday, Oct. 29, 2018.

Cover of the Living Plant Report 2018 released by the World Wildlife Foundation on Monday, Oct. 29, 2018.

By Alyssa Leonard

In just over 40 years, more than half of the world’s wildlife population has seen an “astonishing” decline, according to the World Wildlife Fund in a new report.

The WWF’s Living Planet Report 2018 released the findings on Monday. Among 16,700 wildlife populations, on average, there has been a 60 per cent decline between 1970 and 2014. This affects mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians.

The report states the world’s freshwater ecosystems have declined by 83 per cent. Freshwater ecosystems are home to at least 126,000, or around one in 10, known species of fish, reptiles, insects, plants and mammals, despite covering less than one per cent of the Earth’s surface.

The area of the world with the most significant decline is the “Neotropical realm,” consisting of Central and South America and the Caribbean. Wildlife populations have declined there by 89 per cent.

The world has also lost about half of its shallow water corals in only 30 years. The report shows if trends continue, up to 90 per cent of the world’s coral reefs might be gone by 2050. With over 200 million people depending on coral reefs to protect them from storm surges and waves, the report warns, “the implications of this for the planet and all of humanity are vast.”

“This report sounds a warning shot across our bow,” said Carter Roberts, president and CEO of WWF-US, on the WWF website. “Natural systems essential to our survival—forests, oceans, and rivers—remain in decline. Wildlife around the world continue to dwindle. It reminds us we need to change course. It’s time to balance our consumption with the needs of nature, and to protect the only planet that is our home.”


Alyssa Leonard
By Alyssa Leonard October 30, 2018 11:49

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