Why people read their horoscope

🕔14:53, 21.Apr 2023

In an unscientific survey conducted by the MediaPlex, 80 per cent of people said they read their horoscopes. Gemima Pedro, a part-time cleaner, said she believes in horoscopes. “I think as long as people study horoscopes they’re always relevant,” said

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A glance into the pixels of REEM Photography.

A glance into the pixels of REEM Photography.

🕔13:57, 21.Apr 2023

With a background in accounting and a stable job, Kareem Virgo found himself in a position in life like many often do – comfortable, but not very fulfilled. He was content with the path he had chosen, but everything changed

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Marijuana usage by adults under 30 years old

Marijuana usage by adults under 30 years old

🕔13:35, 21.Apr 2023

After being legalized federally in 2018, marijuana and marijuana-based products have been made widely available at any local dispensary. On Apr. 19, 2023, the MediaPlex conducted a poll which targeted adults under 30 years of age, inquiring about their usage

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Students’ feelings on post-secondary school

Students’ feelings on post-secondary school

🕔13:29, 21.Apr 2023

  An informal study conducted at the MediaPlex looked at student’s feelings about their time in post-secondary over the last year. With the 2022-23 academic year coming to a close, students from across Windsor and elsewhere in the country reflected

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Tipping Culture and how people feel about it

Tipping Culture and how people feel about it

🕔12:43, 21.Apr 2023

There are different opinions on tipping, and they become more and more divided in the opinions of citizens on when or when it is not appropriate to tip. More and more vendors, stores and services are now asking for tips

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Residential road budget increase

Residential road budget increase

🕔12:13, 21.Apr 2023

A quarter per cent increase in the asset management plan levy for the following four years would enhance base funding by around $4.4 million per year and be entirely allocated to residential roads.    “The largest kilometer portion of roads

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City of Windsor’s winter control budget

City of Windsor’s winter control budget

🕔13:20, 14.Apr 2023

The City of Windsor’s annual winter control fiscal calendar budget is roughly $5.6 million. “The approximate cost for each snowfall is $12 thousand per hour,” said Phong Nguy, the manager of contract maintenance and field services. “We have 21 main

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Minimum wage increase impacts businesses and employees

Minimum wage increase impacts businesses and employees

🕔13:13, 14.Apr 2023

As of April 1st, 2023, Canada’s minimum wage has increased from $15.50 to $16.65 per hour. This is the latest development in the country’s efforts to support its workforce, particularly those who are struggling to make ends meet in the

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Prescription powers increasing for Ontario pharmacists

Prescription powers increasing for Ontario pharmacists

🕔12:57, 14.Apr 2023

Ontario is expanding pharmacists’ prescription powers to ease the burden on doctors and walk-in clinics. Pharmacist Ali Hammoud, who works at Rexall Drugstore in Windsor, is relieved about the decision. “I think it’s a good change because it takes pressure

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How college students are keeping up with the rising cost of living.

How college students are keeping up with the rising cost of living.

🕔12:48, 14.Apr 2023

Some college students have had to cut back on their day-to-day spending since starting college due to the rising cost of living. According to madeinca.ca, a website with studies on how Canadians spend their money, 63 per cent of Canadians

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Windsor Police budget sees $2M increase as homelessness crisis worsens

Windsor Police budget sees $2M increase as homelessness crisis worsens

🕔12:29, 14.Apr 2023

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Windsor’s homeless community has seen considerable growth, a crisis that continues to cost the city millions. According to the city’s 2023 recommended operating budget, one of COVID-19’s estimated impacts on expenditures was an

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Surge of online sports betting

Surge of online sports betting

🕔11:59, 14.Apr 2023

By Jessie Larouche   According to figures released by iGaming Ontario, more than $20 billion in wagers have been placed in online sports gambling. With the convenience of having a sportsbook on an app in your pocket and new betting

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Should traditional mail still be used?

Should traditional mail still be used?

🕔11:51, 14.Apr 2023

It’s a battle between tradition and innovation. In an unscientific survey conducted by the MediaPlex, the majority of the respondents believe people should still subscribe and use the traditional mailing services to receive letters, notices and bills. The survey respondents

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